Monday, December 14, 2009

Some of the work in my Portfolio

A series of posters for the Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria
Revised logo family and  Corporate Identity Guidelines for the 
National Research Foundation

Brochure design 
Title:  Elephants – Facts & Fables by Prof Rudi van Aarde 
Client: CERU and IFAW
(Click on image to view larger)
Logo design, posters, banners, programme and invites for first
UN/UP Centre for Human Rights World Moot Court Competition
Quarterly external magazine
Client: CSIR
Vice-Chancellor's Report, Corporate Profile & Regional brochures
Client: UNISA 
New logo design for Prime Africa Consultants
Poster series
Client: Centre for Child Law
Logo design, Programme, Abstracts, Banners and Posters for 
Diversitas Biodiversity Conference held in Cape Town in October 2009
Logo design for Gunsmithy Gun Care Products
Quarterly UnisaWise Magazine and 5 Year Transformation Report
Client: UNISA
Book design and layout
Client: Southern Science & SAASTA

Brochure design: Changing perceptions of women in SET 
Client: SAASTA & DST

SA Science Lens Competition brochures, posters, exhibitions over a number of years
Client: SAASTA

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Corporate Identity design

A small selection of the many logos designed for various clients over the years.

National Research Foundation

Hans Stern Engineering

South African Labour Court

In Touch Conference Coordinators

L&W Environmental Engineers

Deltaplan Electrical Engineers

Blue Lion Auditors

BKS Engineering (Pty) Ltd

South African Wire Association

Highveld Taxidermists